New Research Study Finds FLIP IT ® to be an Effective Parent Training Program – Read the Executive Summary or the Full Report – The Center for School-Based Mental Health Programs at Miami University recently published an evaluation of the OH Department of Mental and Addiction Services’ state-wide pilot of the FLIP IT strategy. The independent evaluation concluded that FLIP IT appears to be an effective strategy for parents that: 1) decreased children’s challenging behavior, 2) increased children’s positive behavior, 3) improves parenting behaviors, and 4) decreases parent beliefs that their children are hard to manage. The researchers also reported that parents were “overwhelmingly satisfied” and “100% of the comments described positive outcomes.” They recommended that the state continue to sustain and support the use of FLIP-IT concluding that it, “offer(s) parents effective parenting skills that can improve the lives of their children and family members.”
DCRC’s Assessments Featured by Edutopia – In the July 6 edition of Edutopia News, five social and emotional assessments were featured as being recommended by experts in the field. Two of the five were Devereux Assessments – the Devereux Early Childhood Assessment for Preschoolers – Second Edition (DECA-P2) and the Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA). To read the article, visit Edutopia.
Pilot Program in Texas Being Considered for Expansion – On July 12, Paul LeBuffe, Director of DCRC, presented testimony before the Texas Workforce Commission to support the expansion of a statewide pilot program to promote the social and emotional competence of preschool children. The DECA-P2 is one of two outcome measures for this project which has been implemented in eleven sites and involved more than 1,000 children. Based on the positive results of the pilot, including significant growth in the children’s social and emotional competency, the Commission is considering expanding the program.
DESSA and Evo Social-Emotional Win National Award – On June 8, the DESSA and the web-based delivery platform, Evo Social-Emotional, won the Revere Award from the Association of American Publishers as the best educational resource in the field of social-emotional and character learning.
e-DECA strategies in Spanish—Coming Soon! – The e-DECA will soon include the option to print the strategy report in either English or Spanish. The Devereux/Kaplan team is working to bring this important enhancement to the e-DECA platform for this coming school year!
Strengthening Partnerships with Parents – DCRC’s newest resource to strengthen the resilience of parents is called Your Journey Together (YJT) and includes 29 lessons that help parents understand how to use every day routines and activities to promote their own resilience as well as the social and emotional health of their children. Nefertiti Bruce Poyner and Deb Alleyne will host two “ Getting Started with YJT events” for professionals who want to learn how to begin using YJT in parent trainings, home visits, and any other venues where parents can be reached with this important information. To learn more about how to build the resilience of parents, please click here.