Your Journey Together: A Curriculum for Building Resilient Children and Families – DCRC’s newest program is designed specifically to support parents (adults responsible for parenting young children) with the knowledge, skills and resources to build the resilience of the entire family. Visit to learn more!
DESSA High School Edition — The DCRC Assessment Continuum is Expanding! Work on the High School Edition of the Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA) is just now underway. Parents, Teachers, Out-Of-School Time Staff, and Youth in grades 9-12 are being recruited to participate in the national standardization process. Gift cards and other incentives are being offered to participants. For more information, or to sign up your organization, click here.
DECA-P2 — Now Published in Europe! Use of the Devereux Early Childhood Assessments internationally is growing! Hogrefe is now publishing the assessments in Europe with the Italian DECA-P2 hot off the presses. To learn more about our international presence, please email us at