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Technical Assistance Services to Enhance Program’s Social and Emotional Practices

Support PictureBy: Debi Mahler
Director of Professional Development, Devereux Center for Resilient Children

If you are reading this newsletter, it may be quite likely that you and/or your program have received professional development on the Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Program (Infant/Toddlers and/or Preschool), DESSA, FLIP IT, Building Your Bounce, or on a topic related to the social and emotional health of children from the Devereux Center for Resilient Children. While professional development provides an opportunity to increase knowledge and skill related to using these tools and techniques in an effective way, on-going technical assistance can deepen the understanding of the materials and provide the next level of support to further enhance your program’s practices.

Technical assistance (TA) services can be delivered efficiently and effectively in a distance format. Though the use of conference calls and/or Go To Meeting/Webinar technology, our lead trainers and early childhood experts are available to provide support to your leadership team.  Leaders will have an opportunity in TA to reflect, process and identify strengths, goals and strategies to support their staff in creating the best possible social emotional environment for children.  The focus on leadership is intended to increase the organization’s capacity to implement the DECA  Program and/or social emotional strategies in the face of staff turnover and other stressors common to the people and programs in our field.

Technical Assistance options include:

DECA Implementation (GENERAL)

Technical assistance from this category will provide an opportunity for leaders to plan more globally for their year that includes DECA implementation. Thoughtful planning and consideration will reduce staff stress and support success.  TA focuses on:

  • How to develop a DECA Program and/or strategy implementation calendars.
  • How to streamline DECA Program implementation steps with other curriculum, assessment or tools being used in the program (to reduce duplication, frustration and stress).
  • How to use the DECA assessment and program resources in a home visitation program.
  • How to introduce staff to the implementation plan while cultivated enthusiasm and positivity.
  • How to review progress, adjust as needed and produce outcome reports.


DECA Implementation (UNIVERSAL)

Technical assistance from this category will provide an opportunity for leaders to plan for DECA Program implementation at the universal level. Universal implementation encourages best practices that foster resilience and social emotional health in all children. TA focuses on:

  • How to support observation of children prior to completing the DECA assessment.
  • How to support the reflection checklist and action planning process.
  • How to complete and score the DECA assessment.
  • How to include and encourage parent partnership in the DECA assessment process (for center based or home visitation models).
  • How to support social and emotional lesson planning (wearing social emotional lenses during all aspects of the daily routine).


DECA Implementation (TARGETED)

Technical assistance from this category will provide an opportunity for leaders to plan for DECA Program implementation at the targeted level. Targeted practices focus on children with low protective factors and/or high behavior concerns.  TA focuses on:

  • How to develop a targeted plan for a child with needs.
  • How to facilitate a targeted planning meeting with a team (including parents).
  • How to find and develop appropriate targeted strategies.
  • How to provide ongoing support for a targeted plan.


The Use of the DESSA/DESSA-mini

Technical assistance from this category will provide an opportunity for leaders to support their staff in the use of the DESSA/DESSA-mini in their programs.

  • How to support quality observation in preparation for completing the DESSA.
  • How to interpret results and use information to inform planning.
  • How to use the DESSA as a progress monitoring tool and to measure outcomes.


The FLIP IT Strategy

Technical assistance from this category will provide an opportunity for leaders increase their expertise on all four of the FLIP IT steps, be able to troubleshoot common flops and support staff in implementing this strategy with consistency and fidelity.  TA focuses on:

  • How to build relationships with children who are challenging.
  • How to identify feelings and increase your own empathy.
  • How to set positive and loving limits.
  • How to use inquiries (open-ended questions) to spark the problem solving process.
  • How to provide prompts that encourage healthy coping skills.


Leadership Support and Reflective Practice
Technical assistance from this category will provide an opportunity for leaders to process, expand their leadership skills, problem solve and empower staff.  TA focuses on:
• Question and answer trouble shooting session.
• Support to establish and provide process time/reflective supervision to staff.
• How to foster resilience in staff.
• Process time/reflective supervision with TA provider to discuss leadership experiences.


contact usThese topics and categories are only some examples of support that can be provided by the Devereux Center for Resilient Children. For more information about technical assistance and/or professional development services provided by DCRC, please contact Debi Mahler, Director of Professional Development at 610-574-6141 or




444 Devereux Drive

Villanova, PA, 19085