Job stress among teachers continues to be a concern at the national level. When teachers are not able to cope with constant changes and increased demands, they may not be able to provide the quality teaching and learning experiences expected of them. When this happens, children may be directly impacted in a negative way. Clearly— well-being of teachers is essential to quality teaching and learning.
The Devereux Center for Resilient Children (DCRC) would like to be part of the solution. Since 2007, we have delivered our national training entitled, Building Your Bounce: Simple Strategies for a Resilient You. While this training has impacted thousands, we would like to reach more, educate more and empower more. Our Building Your Bounce Webinar Learning Series takes advantage of technology in order to deliver a reflective learning experience designed to promote adult resilience. Complete with interactive elements, Nefertiti Bruce Poyner, co-author of the resource Building Your Bounce: Simple Strategies for a Resilient You, will guide participants through reflective activities and life application exercises. Our goal is to provide teachers with an opportunity to self-reflect on the their own well-being and then take action to better support their resilience.
The three part webinar series include the following topics:
- Webinar #1: Introduction to Adult Resilience
- Webinar #2: Understanding Risk and Protective Factors
- Webinar #3: Taking a Closer Look at Your Resilience
If you are new to our adult resilience content GREAT! Our webinar learning series can serve as a great introduction to the concepts of adult resilience and the important implications for work with children and families.
If you have already received training on topics related to adult resilience, our Webinar Learning Series can serve as a great refresher. This convenient, cost effective option can be implemented at any time.
The Webinar Learning Series Provides:
- FLEXIBILITY. Each of the three lessons within our Webinar Learning Series is prerecorded, so you have great flexibility in when, and even how often you participate. Recorded files can be licensed to your organization for ongoing use over time so that current and future staff can benefit.
- CHOICES. Each lesson comes with facilitator questions. Individuals can move through the webinars at their own pace or as a group. Then, an identified facilitator can use the questions to take the learning deeper at a staff meeting or any time staff meet as a group.
- OPPORTUNITIES for REFLECTION. Reflections questions and activities are embedded into the webinars to help spark conversation and provide participants with meaningful opportunities to reflect. Creative activities have been intentionally added to help facilitate understanding and have a little child-like fun too!
- EFFICIENT: Each of the webinars is approximately 20 minutes in length. A short amount of time for adults to invest in their own mental health!
This professional development opportunity offers a cost effective and flexible way to share the message of resilience with your staff!
For more information, please contact Debi Mahler at (610) 574-6141 or