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We Need Your Help With Ongoing Research Studies!

  1. DESSA High-School Edition National Standardization

DCRC is expanding our continuum of strength-based behavior rating scales to include high school! If you have a son or daughter in 9th to 12th grade or teach students in those grades, we would love your help! We are looking for parents and teachers/staff to complete a brief online survey of a high school aged youth’s social and emotional skills and basic demographic information about the youth and their family. We are also looking for high school students to complete a self-rating on their own social and emotional skills. The assessment will take no longer than 15 minutes, and you will receive $5 for each assessment you complete.

You can help in one of three ways:

  • If your child (or children) are in 9th – 12th grades, he or she can complete the online form here: (Please note that if you do share this link, you must be the parent of the student you are sharing the self-assessment with.)
  • If you are a parent or teacher of a 9th – 12th grade student, you can complete the online form here: (Parents can complete up to 2 ratings, and teachers can complete up to 4)
  • If you know of a school, out-of-school time program, or other organization serving high school aged youth that would like to participate, please contact Rich Rinaldi at or 610-542-3095 for more details. Sites can earn up to several hundred dollars as a fundraiser ($5 per rating) for completing a reasonable number of surveys!

Please contact Jennifer Fleming Robitaille at with any questions. Thank you!


  1. Spanish Translation Study: Devereux Early Childhood Assessment – Clinical Form

We are seeking your assistance in the development of a Spanish version of the DECA-C! We are in great need of your help!

  1. a) If you are a bilingual Spanish and English speaking adult AND
    b) You are the teacher or child care provider of children ages 2 years through 5 years old (up to the sixth birthday) AND
    c) You have known the child for at least the past 4 weeks

Then you are eligible to participate! You will be thanked for participating with a $10 gift card.

If you or someone you know might be interested, just click here for more information.  You may also contact Jennifer Fleming Robitaille for more information at


  1. Risk and Protective Factor Study (DECA-P2)
    We are looking for parents of preschool children to participate in a study to better understand how risk factors in children’s lives impact their social-emotional health. In this study, parents will be asked to anonymously complete a packet of three assessments/surveys, including the DECA-P2, the Conner’s Early Childhood assessment, and a survey to assess the amount of risk in the family’s life. The packet takes about 30 minutes to complete, and participants will be compensated for their time. We are also in search of individuals who can help us recruit parents! Individuals who help us recruit parents to participate will also be compensated.

For more information, please contact: Jennifer Fleming Robitaille at




444 Devereux Drive

Villanova, PA, 19085