The launch of the Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Preschool Program, Second Edition remains a primary focus of the Devereux Center for Resilient Children. Initially released this fall, the second edition resources have been positively received by new and long-time, loyal users.
Our team is working hard to best support existing and new users. For those professionals who want to learn more about the DECA Preschool Program, Second Edition and how these resources promote resilient children and adults, several national professional development events are scheduled over the next several months in cities across the country. To learn more about these events, please visit
For those loyal, long-time users, we have new links on our website to support you too. Below are just a few of the resources that are available at your fingertips on our new website!
- DECA Preschool Program, Second Edition 2 minute overview video
- DECA Preschool Program, Second Edition Scoring video tutorial
- Peek inside our new books!
Sample pages from Promoting Resilience in Preschoolers: A Strategy Guide for Early Childhood Professionals
Sample pages from Promoting Resilience For Now and Forever
Sample pages from Building Your Bounce: Simple Strategies for a Resilient You
Calling all ChildPlus Users: We are excited to announce that we are working with ChildPlus to offer a more seamless data sharing process between the e-DECA and ChildPlus. This new enhancement will be ready for the 2013-2014 school year. If you are interested in learning more about this interface, please email